Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hong Kong

My first Veggie Burger in a year. Who could ask for more?
But there was. It is such and international city, globalization at its best, perhaps. Every language, every color, every retail high-end store imaginable. Money falling from trees and all the fake Rolex's you could desire. And such tolerance (from what you can see in such a short time). But on Sundays, the Filipino's who work as domestic servants (I'm told) are given their day off, and not having a place of their own to go to, just fill the streets and walkways around the waterfront. They're dancing, and playing cards and eating and sleeping and everyone, clad in real and fake Prada, just walk around them without a care in the world.

It's enjoyable, that in a place so large, and so full, it still can be relaxed. Korea should take note.


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