Thursday, October 09, 2008

Money for nothing

Planning a 5-month trip that involves 8 countries is a little overwhelming. To add to this, I need to schedule in several volunteer positions that are part of my research for my masters degree, and have been waiting for confirmation from one in Vietnam for over a month - which in the long run, isn’t that long – but in terms of our current financial crisis, it’s an eternity.

A month ago my money was worth something. I’m paid in Korean Won. The rest of the world – air lines, visas, volunteer fees, etc. they like to be paid in US Dollars, or at least their local currency (which means I have to first exchange it to US Dollars since Korean banks will only exchange into Dollars, Euro and Yen). And there is the problem. The Won has dropped in value at an exceptional rate these past few weeks and as I type this, it continues to drain away. It’s like going on a shopping spree for air. And stress.

When I arrived last December 1,000 Won was about $1 – and it stayed that way through August. September things started to fall – 1,100 or 1,200. Not good, but livable. Wednesday the Won dropped to 1,400. In one day I lost over a thousand dollars in value.

So, friends in the US who think your actions don’t affect the rest of the world – so you buy houses with no money down, max out your credit cards, live beyond your means and then complain and go bankrupt – thanks a lot– you owe me some money.


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