Monday, December 29, 2008

Ho Chi Minhsoleum, Hanoi

It seems a trend that all great Communist leaders wish to be cremated but instead end up pickled and resting under orange light that makes them look like a Muppet with glowing hands. Eerie. In Hanoi we have Ho Chi Min, and though it's not the Minhsoleum like the Maosoueum, it easily could be: same line, same walking, same waiting, same wishing it was something else you're looking at.

Another Hanoi attraction is the Hoa Lo prison where Senator John McCain spent some years. Vietnam does a lovely job of painting a picture of how hard the Vietnamese had it when the French imprisoned them here, but how like the Hilton it was for the Americans: all smiled over games of volleyball and pool, not to mention Christmas dinner! What a vacation! What a treat!

Maybe that is all what Hanoi is: Loud, misleading. Peaceful and beautiful in the midst of grime and noise - so much noise.


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