Sunday, April 27, 2008

I've always loved a good protest. Since high school when King George I attacked Iraq and I protested as my senior government class final project. Easy A. Then there were the SDSU protests I covered as a photographer, in the middle of the fights, arrests and burning flag (incidentally that photo is now part of permanent display at the Starbucks on campus). In Seattle I again went to an Iraq war protest and sang Sesame Street while riot police surrounded us and forbade us to leave. Interesting.

So, as the Olympic torch made its way to Seoul I jumped on the opportunity. There wasn't much to see really. Thousands of Chinese who were given T-shirts, flags and free transportation by their embassy. The Tibet protestors were separated and made their own march around the city. That was a good call, as the Chinese were quite overzealous and what incidents did occur came from them (throwing rocks, a few beatings, etc.).

What hasn't gotten the publicity that has been awarded to Tibet, though, is the situation of Northern Koreans. Those that flee the country tend to head to China as its easier then crossing the DMZ and the mine field that separates them from the South. But China will send them back if they are caught and that means one of two fates: several years’ hard labor in a work camp/jail, or public execution.

The man at the torch relay who tried to light himself on fire was protesting that. His brother was executed. You can't blame him for wanting his voice to be heard.

That was Sunday. 8,300 police guarded the route. Helicopters flew overhead. You could barely see the torch with all of the guards running alongside.

Monday the torch went to the North. There were no riots, no police, and only two men accompanying the torch barer. The crowds cheered and waved flags and seemed happy. They showed it on the evening news here, a rare glimpse.

Olympic Torch Rally, Seoul

Respect the Olympic spirit,
All men - are brothers!
Interfere with China's internal affairs,
Annihilate - in the far distance!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just when you think you've seen it all...

I've thought this before. Often, actually, as I become aquainted with my newest surroundings. But a gull hanging from a wire over a river with a broken foot? Well, it's not ground shaking, but it is enough to give you pause.

There are other amusing things here - McDonalds delivery, rat sized dogs dressed in tu-tus or jeans and a t-shirt (really, pants for dogs), with their ears died orange with matching barrettes. But, when looking there, one thinks of the oddness of people. Now, if this bird was in fact hung by a person, I would have to wonder how more than why. And if this is just nature, well, I'm glad I'm not a gull in Suwon.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

City Farmers

A year ago, my neighborhood didn't exist. Google Earth shows it as a dirt lot. What was there, though, were the rice fields, now wedged between highways and apartment blocks.

Now that spring is here, any nice days have people out tending their plots. There might be a bicycle on the street, or a taxi. They kneel in the orange dirt and scrape away the dust and debris that smother their sprouts. They break at noon for noodles. Then work some more.

Their plot may be an acre, or just between the building and the street. They are always bleak. Uninspiring. Spring. I ride my bicycle on this route to work everyday, glad that everyday won't last more than a year. Bleak.