Tuesday, August 14, 2007


There is an odd hurricane heading towards Hawaii tonight, and the tail of her has shifted the weather in our sleepy little fishing village here in Nicaragua. The wind, which usually comes off of Lake Nicaragua and creates perfect barrel waves for the surfers, has shifted to come from the east, bringing all sorts of wonders ashore. Today it brought the jellyfish: small blue ones not much larger than a quarter. Their bodies lie in the sand, like three-dimensional, clear jellybeans. Only, reaching off of them are blue stinging tentacles up to a foot long. I would not like to meet them in the water. Lots of other people did though, and as I walked a friend's dog up the beach, you could see people jumping out of the water in pain, and staff from the beachfront restaurants bringing out vinegar.

Along with the jellys (called Medusa's in Spanish, how appropriate!), there were also puffer fish, and a load of debris. Saturday is the international Project Aware beach clean-up day, so there will be no shortage for us! See if there is a clean-up in your area. We can compare trash.


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