Sunday, October 01, 2006

Granada, Nicarauga

It´s hot. At 6:30 in the morning I´m already moving into the shade of the buildings trying to hide. And with the heat comes another slow day. The shoe shiners are setting up in the town park, under the trees and the cathedral. Men and women alike are sweeping the porches and the streets. Horses and carts are already making their rounds around the city along with the bicycles and cars. But everyone moves slow.

The time changed back an hour today, presumably for day light savings time. Honduras moved back my first week here, in August. I think time is like holidays. They know, roughly, when they should be and the government chooses a day sometime around that date and lets you know the week before. For example, this is a four day weekend for me. Monday is Francisco Morazan´s day, who was like the George Washington of Honduras. Tuesday is for Columbus Day, here callled the Day of the Races (or is it the end of the races?). That is on the 12th I think, but they moved it. Fine by me. I´m in Nicaragua!


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