Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sunday Drive

There is a teacher's truck that we can use to go between here and Tegus. It's a great gift and a nice jesture, but also a reminder of how little we are able to see without having to take the Chicken buses. Anyway, on Sunday, I went up one of the side dirt roads adjacent to campus. It was great to drive again, and great to have a few hours to myself. However, given road conditions, two hours resulted in a little over 25 kilometers. Here are a few pictures of what I saw, (taken while driving so nothing spectacular....but)

A chicken bus. They really are the old, retired American school buses, and on a rare occasion, they have the school district's name painted over with a colorful stripe or swab of white. They are just as comfortable as they were in Jr. High, only now they have three adults to a seat, people standing in the aisles and some loud tunes playing on the radio.
The other option for transportation: the back of a pick-up.
Oh, right, one more kind of transportation. Donkeys and horses are around, but less common.
The unfortunate translation on the sign for the orphanage that we play football (soccer) with every month.

A failrly nice house along the road. It's typical to have just bare bricks or unpainted plaster, but sometimes you do get some nice coler. Even pink.


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