Thursday, January 27, 2005



Why is life in Slovakia nice?

Take for instance, your coffee, (kava). In America you run into the local Starbucks, order your grande non-fat lattee, no foam with a shot of vanilla, pay three dollars, and you are given a paper cup, plastic lid and a cute little sleeve so you don't burn your hands and sue them. You run out the door, back into your oversized car, and drive off into traffic.

Not in Slovakia. Here you can walk into any number of coffee shops, and being a small town, there are no chains. Each shop has its own feel and atmosphere. You sit down at a table and order your Lattee, only here it's a late and I'm not sure if you can get non-fat, or soy milk. They bring it to you on a silver platter (I'm not joking), and you are forced to sit down and enjoy it. No paper cups, no counter to order at, no choice in size, no orders to go. It is a pleasant, relaxing experience. And to top it off, it only costs about a dollar.


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